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Our 3-step solution
person in a white shirt using a smart phone. Norwood @ unsplash
Manage your own health
Our health management system will help you confidently make your own decisions.

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person typing on a laptop. National Cancer Institute @ unsplash
How we help your practice
Our digital triage guide gives you as a health care practitioner a head-start.

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Manage your own health
Be the manager of your own health. Our health management system will help you confidently and conveniently make your own decisions, help you decide on next steps, book an appointment, and learn how to best take care of yourself.
How we help your practice
Our digital triage gives you, as a health care practitioner, a head-start. Our rapid PCR device, with its small footprint and intuitive design, is placed right where treatment decisions are made. PCR accurate test results become available during a single consultation and let you confidently chose the right treatment for each patient on the spot. You save time that is needed elsewhere, and we help you retain revenue for testing where care takes place.
How to stop the spread of AMR.
Created for the Incate AMR Conference,
Basel, 2022

The Sefunda Instrument Workflow
Sefunda’s user-friendly diagnostic platform will give you test results in under 30 minutes.
What AMR really means.
Imagine the times before 1940, before antimicrobials existed.

Alain Mérieux